Application Architecture & User Experience
One of my favorite projects was “Path to Honor,” the Army National Guard’s online recruiting platform, launched in 2006. I was lead interface designer and user experience architect on the project in its infancy and continued to work on it until it was ultimately shelved in 2013. It was visionary in its approach to recruiting: after all, the users of the application—a population of individuals who were becoming more and more technologically savvy—just didn’t see the appeal in going all the way down to a recruiting center and filling out paperwork. Why can’t I just do this online? was a common refrain and PTH was the answer.
It was wildly successful at a time when recruiting demand was very high. It was also comprehensive, allowing potential recruits to complete just about everything online. This also freed them to ask for help if they needed it from any of the contact options available as well as freeing recruiters to assist individuals with more complicated questions or circumstances.
My work on this project ran the gamut: wireframes, interface design, user path analysis, UX refinements, content and messaging. I was also responsible for reporting on the relative success of the application via the monthly report creation my team performed. I loved the project and I am proud to have been a part of it, cradle to grave.
Agency: iostudio