Report Creation
As this project was unfolding, I was serving as director for a talented group of statisticians, analysts, and data designers. The goal of the project was to use the selected BI tool as the foundation to run monthly reports on National Guard recruiting data. One problem, however, was that at the time, the BI tool we were using didn’t have the most attractive reporting outputs. My team and I spent hundreds of hours wireframing, designing, building, testing, redesigning, rebuilding, and retesting the report pages before they were considered “right.” It was vitally important that the resulting reports were attractive and easy to understand (otherwise they might get lost in the monthly shuffle of information flying around via email).
In the end, though the data itself still required a bit of scrubbing, the report itself was completely automated, which significantly decreased the overall monthly manpower cost of creating an attractive, mostly custom report. Custom items like the funnel were created from scratch, combining designs the team created with the text-based data outputs in the BI tool.
Agency: iostudio